Now: Here: This July 15, 2005

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Wendy Newton
Washington Heights, New York City

Long-Term Ongoing Project: Christopher

Some people are Rhode Scholars. Some people chase their dreams and their demons up to the tops of mountains. Some people watch the whole drama unfold and just say AMEN.

Peter Ferko
Washington Heights, New York City

Dress Code: Black
sharpie marker on 2x2" Post-it note

I am freelancing at MAC Cosmetics this week and came face to face with the phenomenon of artists dressing in black: at MAC it's explicit, my agency told me that was the dress code for the assignment. I find it ironic that of all people, artists, who so often live in a cosmos of color, are so timid about expressing themselves through clothes. It's a throwback, I think, to that feeling we have as teens of not wanting to look uncool, so we just "rebel" in the exact same way as everyone else.

So I brought the Post-it into the it's cool, too.

Nick Holliday
Great Barrington, Massachussetts

india ink on photograph

what's on my mind: The challenges of working larger.

Harold Wallin
Anchorage, Alaska & Washington Heights, New York City

ink on paper (7 1/2"X 15")

I suppose it is a measure of my current level of self involvement that I've been thinking of what Helen Keller said, 'There is joy in self forgetfulness.'

Sky Pape
Inwood, New York City

digital photo

Downtown, the need to rush stopped and so did I when I caught sight of a water garden made from a half whiskey barrel. I looked at the reflection, and then down below the surface. I thought of the parks, a bit of the city made beautiful by bringing nature into the scheme of human design. Then I thought of my park, the city's only natural forest, and the raspberries.
I'd only been away a few days, and while I was gone, bushes sprang up everywhere, festooned with ripe berries. I ate a few, but couldn't pass those beauties by, so I started picking. Soon both hands were spilling over
with them. I wondered how I was going to get my keys out of my pocket when I got back to the apartment. A large burdock leaf made a perfect improvised packet for my trove. I love how New York can dish out the most wonderful surprises.

Miriam Leuchter
New York City

The $2,000-an-Hour Woman

"Certain kinds of visual stimuli signal that you are not in the real world."

Robert Greene, The Art of Seduction, quoted in New York magazine, issue dated July 18, 2005

Pamela Flynn
Freehold, New Jersey

high noon #2
m ixed media with digital image

I will share my patch of green.
It is cool here and safe.
When we stand very close together it is no longer cool.
Is it still safe?

New York City


I let the piece inform me as to what's most on my mind. I wanted to use images of flowers and let the rest reveal itself. The question is, what belief does the club represent? Looks like I got it from Dad. At least belonging and security issues make pretty pictures.


Greg McIsaac
Champaign, Illinois

Smiling Wall

I was visiting my friend, Eri, in Duluth, Minnesota. On Wednesday, July 20, we were walking along a trail that followed Chester Creek and came across this stone wall, which I thought was beautiful and amazing given the large size of the stones.  I snapped the picture and when I viewed it later, Eri's facial expression and prayerful posture led me to think "Smiling Wall" as a balance to the "Wailing Wall" of Jerusalem. If the world has a "Wailing Wall" it should also have at least one "Smiling Wall".  Additionally "Smiling Wall" has some significance in the world of geology, or at least geological commentary.  In John McPhee's book "Suspect Terrain" about the geology and geologists of North America, one of the geologists relates "While geologists argue, the rocks just sit there. And sometimes they seem to smile." 


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