Misha Donstov
New York City
digital image
"Thank you all, I have to go" |
James Huckenpahler
Washington, D.C.
Mistaken Identity
spime (click for more)
I'm working on an identity project for some friends; here's one idea
that, while it has its merits, would be more appropriate for a bondage
club than a family restaurant. Its added irony/creepyness may be due to
the fact that it is both Jolly-Roger-ish *and* Mousekateer-ish. |
Anthony Gonzalez
Washington Heights, New York City
Photoshop collage
The composition is the thing seen by everyone living in the living they
are doing, they are the composing of the composition that at the time
they are living is the composition of the time in which they are living.
--Gertrude Stein |
Tim Folzenlogen
Washington Heights, New York City
untitled comic strip
pencil drawings
click here to read the strip
(This is a serial strip that continues from previous weeks) |
Nick Holliday
Great Barrington, Massachusetts
I looked, moved and awestruck, at a gigantic Kurt Schwitters collage
at MoMA yesterday and decided that I had to rush home and basically make
a copy...my own, personal "Schwitters." So I was pleased and
relieved to find that when I got to work this morning, thoughts of ripping
up bits of vintage fabric and old tickets (to approximate Schwitters)
immediately left my mind, and I did what I always do. I had also spent
some time looking at Van Gogh's drawings, Elizabeth's Murray's work, and
Rauschenberg's combines. Van Gogh's drawings are among the most beautiful
things I have ever seen. Rauschenberg's boldness and impeccable sense
of balance never cease to amaze me.
The denseness of this piece, perhaps, is my nod to Schwitters. The browns
here, which I rarely use, may come from Van Gogh. (also the two men--Van
Gogh was chronically unwell, and he relied so heavily upon his brother,
Theo, for everything) And the bold red stripes could be a bit of Rauschenberg's
influence finding its way in. Elizabeth Murray, I am still wondering about... |
Harold Wallin
Washington Heights, New York City
Three Cars at Night, Driving Through an Orange Landscape, or,
You Can't Judge a Book by It's Cover
My first Art Spark of this series was an orange landscape of sorts and
now I'm thinking how strange, I've come fully circle with another orange
landscape for the ultimate spark of this series. But to make it different
I gave it a really long title. I'm also thinking, of all you talented
artist, from all parts, who have participated in Now:Here:This, and I
wish for you all much happiness and a very creative new year. |
Miriam Leuchter
New York City
Mixed media
The most important things on my mind are the things I can't talk about. |
Rosa Naparstek
Washington Heights, New York City
Shop Ping
m ixed media
I am grateful for having
everything I need,
most of what I want
and to finally understand
that there will always be
another mattress sale. |
New York City
Happy Pat
watercolor, ink, tissue paper
I got these images yesterday in the form of a book entitled HAPPY PAT.
Isabel, a 5 year-old, made them. She makes stapled books all the time.
At her mother's suggestion, I got her a baby doll for Christmas.
After much anticipation she opened it, said she didn't like it, and cried.
We exchanged it the next day for an upgrade with accessories. All done
with such beaming innocence. I feel so fortunate to know her
that sometimes I cry. |
Sky Pape
Inwood, New York City
American Landscape
digital photograph
The world through the windshield was my vantage point at 11am. The light
and subject seemed refracted through a Hopperesque lens. An American Landscape,
complete with fuel dependence. A fitting view, perhaps, because I've been
thinking about the United States: America, Americana, and Americans. I
have my interview for citizenship just after New Year's, and studying
for it has brought up a lot of interesting facts as well as emotions.
The reactions my potential fellow-citizens have when I mention it are
fascinating. From the Mayflower heirs to those from Ellis Island, the
passions roil and boil in the melting pot. Why do I want to become a citizen?
Why have I waited so many years? Am I of good moral character? What is
the most important right granted to US citizens? What are the rights or
freedoms granted by the Bill of Rights? These and many other questions
will be answered soon... |
Pamela Flynn
Freehold, New Jersey
Shadow #1
Mixed media
The Shadow is always present. The Shadow is not what casts - it is what
is cast. Me and my Shadow travel together. |
Peter Ferko
Washington Heights, New York City
Two triangles superimposed. One, movement of energy from spirit to manifestation;
the other, from manifestation back to spirit.
Two forces in society. One, those with control of the resources; the
other, the labor that brings the work to fruition.
New York watched the symbols drawn again this week. The "little
guy" stood up and claimed equality with those who own the world.
I wondered if December 20, 2005 might go down in history as the day the
Transit Workers Union began a revolution against the corporatocracy whose
motto is that all men are created equal.
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