Wendy Newton
Washington Heights, New York City
I've been thinking a lot about all the crap in the world that I would
rather not see (hear, feel, desire)... all the stuff I want to keep out.
Closing my eyes and sticking my fingers in my ears works to some extent,
but it's limiting. So I've been trying to challenge myself to let more
in but to somehow transform it it in the process. To interact with my
mundane experiences in some specific way, even if it's just me that knows
about it, that makes them into something beautiful or sacred. Little rituals
everywhere. This is difficult for me -- I'm basically a very piscean escapist. |
Sky Pape
Inwood, New York City
detail of drawing in progress
On rare occasions, a title for a piece presents itself as undeniably
self-evident. |
Peter Ferko
Washington Heights, New York City
The most important thing on my mind is stealing moments without affecting
the bottom line.
Dominik Lejman
I am sending a story this time, not an image - but image this story makes
is just on time. You made me write it down.
Karen Greene
Washington Heights, New York City
I guess that since the 9/11 5th anniversary I have been aware of being
pulled by two aspects of possible photo subjects on my walks. One has
been the teardrops left on plants in the park after the rains, and the
other has been the unexpected appearance of natural light in otherwise
usually murky places. I have decided to submit the light this week. I
guess that says something about shifting moods, that there is light after
all the darkness. That sounds maudlin -- but I guess that is why photos
are supposed to speak for themselves.? |
James Huckenpahler
Washington, DC
Boxes of lightning
I've twice been to the National Gallery to visit an exhibition of drawings
from the Woodner Collection, ranging from the Renaissance through to about
the 1930's. Many of the older works are actually several drawings spliced
together or pieces from one sheet that have been cut apart and recombined.
I've revisited one work in particular attributed to the Florentine School,
"Studies of Kneeling Saint Francis and Other Figures." The lower
half is one chunk, topped by a narrower piece cut from the same sheet.
The figures are quite faded now - you have to look closely to more than
the white that heightens the zig-zagging folds of the robes against a
pale green ground. These aren't studies for instructional images anymore.
They are two reliquaries, a small box of lightning sitting on top of a
medium-sized box of lightning, stacked lit hat boxes.
Pamela Flynn
Freehold, New Jersey
homecoming #1
mixed media with digital image
Is it possible that to wage a military war against hate only breeds more
Claire Adas
Lambertville, New Jersey
digital video
There's something about autumn that makes me feel confused about what's
the most important thing. Sometimes that feels good, sometimes that feels
awful. |
Vikki Michalios
Jersey City
untitled (work in progress)
oil on canvas, 4ft x 5ft
Karien Vandekerkhove
Flanders, Belgium
there is 8
New York City
The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the Universe
digital collage
Today, a beautiful bird, taupe with subtle green down it's back, subtle
yellow on it's head, and a bright yellow beak [Sky, do you know the name?]
flew into a large plate glass widow at Swiss International Airlines on
East 53rd. I found it on the ground. It was alive. Somehow it felt lighter
than air and softer than soft when I carried it to some nearby potted
bushes. I was torn ... cringing while imagining how much it hurt and enjoying
being close. When I got back to the office my perspective was so different,
so fresh. I left the building five hours later and it was gone. |
Helena Kupperman
Storm VI
oil in linen, 56 x42 inches
I started the storm series a couple of years ago and they are a view
on turbulence in life. In this painting communication with calm and storms
are not only visible in the imagery, but also how the paint is applied.
Basically when I made this painting, I felt the passages in paint and
enjoyed the process, without thinking about the end result. The path leads
the viewer into the dark animated sky, which is a backdrop, but also invites
to further exploration.
Stephen Beveridge
Washington Heights, New York City
Perseus's Mistake
acrylic on canvas, 44" x 62''
i'm thinking about coffee and cherry pie and how much my thoughts are
about me and not lofty theoretical ideals and values
Renee Watabe
Verona, New Jersey
"If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as
a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays
with you, for Paris is a moveable feast."
Ernest Hemingway (to a friend, 1950)
Still savoring the lasting taste of my first trip to Paris,
I suspect that these words speak the truth. |
Anthony Gonzalez
Washington Heights, New York City
The System Investigates Itself (with apologies to Boardman Robinson)
pen and ink and Photoshop
From Bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
--Alexander Frazer Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee - Scottish-born British
Lawyer and Writer (1747-1813)
Misha Dontsov
New York City
mixed media
I am going to write and I illustrate a comic strip, I have so much fun
doing it. Yes it is a challenge. But also fun. I feel very alive and excited
doing this kind of stuff. It is a big step for me; I barely started to
express myself in English in a comprehensible manner.
I like the sci-fi genre, but perhaps without too much violence. I hope
people in the galaxies far far away are not as much the maniac egotists
as we are here now. Everything going down the drain, everything is collapsing.
I don't know, maybe I am wrong, maybe everything is OK, and maybe everything
is getting better year after year, who knows. I hope it is so.
Sorry, I did mean to tell you more about my little sci-fi stories. All
I know I am sick of the hunks with big guns blasting at some poor alien
critter. I want something different, something softer, weirder, more dangerous,
unpredictable, something that lifts a reader. I hope I can do it.
And if not, this picture will stand as a thumb stone of my intentions.
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