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August 6, 2004

This exhibit is an "art spark" generated by a community of artists living around the world. Every week, we meet at this virtual studio/gallery to share work and the most important thing on our minds.

Artists are invited to join Virtual:Comunidad.

Some material may not be suitable for children

©2004 by artists named

about the artists
archived weeks

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Tim Folzenlogen
Washington Heights, New York City


When I paint, when I look at the subject matter – what I see has a certain vibration that represents a certain location in my heart and mind. It’s a real place, and as long as I can see and feel it, I know that I can take the painting there.

When it comes to my life on this planet, a certain vibration was placed in me very early on. I have to recreate that vibration, in the world in which I live. My life has to lead to that place, or I am incomplete. There simply is no other option.

It’s like being underwater and trying to get to the surface.

If that is your situation, what else is there?

Anthony Gonzalez
Washington Heights, New York City

The Heritage Foundation

Walking my dog Lizzie on Fort Washington Avenue at Bennett Park. As I pass an Ice cream truck where a woman is buying a cone for her very young daughter, the little girl notices Lizzie. Mom gently restrains her as the child leans forward to get a better look. The little girl strikes a pose, holding her semi-closed hands by her cheeks as if they were hand puppets, or paws. She leans far forward. Her mother now must make an effort to restrain her with one arm. In a deep, resonant, caricature of an infants voice, her puppet hands greet my dog with "Hi doggie, stinky, doodoo".

Renee Tamara Watabe
Verona, NJ

Dolly on the Sill

Being seen in the sun vs. hiding in the safe darkness.

And what does, “Perfect Love casts out Fear,“ really mean?

New York City

Horizon-The Last

Drowning is not so pitiful
As the attempt to rise
Three times, 'tis said, a sinking man
Comes up to face the skies,
And then declines forever
To that abhorred abode,
Where hope and he part company –
For he is grasped of God.
The Maker's cordial visage,
However good to see,
Is shunned, we must admit it,
Like an adversity.
- Emily Dickinson

James Huckenpahler
Washington, D.C.


2nd generation art:
I've been thinking about photographs of photographs since I saw the Gabriel Orozco exhibition at the Hirschhorn last week. There is a piece called 'Traffic Worm' in which:

"...he laid balls, or "worms" of plasticine over a National Geographic illustration of an urban traffic jam and rephotographed the page.."

Gen2 photos aren't just softer; they often have an otherworldly luminosity to them. Another kind of gen2 product is a photo of a collage. I've been looking at Pat's collages, or rather, scans of her collages; the act of photographing [or scanning] pulls all the elements into a common space, just as disparate, anachronistic features of dreams seem to temporarily co-exist in a 'natural' way.

Peter Ferko
Washington Heights, New York City

full of holes/full of hopes

Most important thing on my mind right now:

picking battles against impossibilities.

end of exhibit

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